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        Home > Wenzhou Info
        Wenzhou Info

        Wenzhou derives its present name from its mild climate. It is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, featuring noticeable alternating monsoon in winter and summer, distinct seasons and abundant rainfall, yet without intense heat in summer or bitter cold in winter. It has an average annual temperature ranging from 17.3 to 19.4℃ (4.9-9.9℃ in January and 26.7-29.6℃ in July).

        It has an annual rainfall of 1113-2492 mm, much owing to  mould rains in the end of spring and beginning of summer, and   tropical cyclone during July and September. It boasts a frost-free period of 241-326 days and an  annual duration of sunshine of 1,442-2,264 hours.    

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